Being a new mum can be a tricky but wonderful phase in your life, and between nappies, feeds and cries life can seem like a blur!
We thought we’d put together what we think are the top 5 things to keep in mind, as a new mum or parent to make the most of this precious period.
1. Skin on Skin Time
Newborn babies absolutely love the warmth and closeness of mummy’s chest, and enjoying those cuddly moments wrapped up together are incredibly precious both to you and your baby.
It’s been proven that this additional time helps hugely in creating the additional bonds between you and your baby, and soothes them when they can hear your heartbeat. The logic is that they feel warm and hear your heartbeat just like they did during their 9 months inside.
It’s also a lovely moment for you to take stock, appreciate the wonder of the new life you’ve created and relax.

1. Sing to your baby
Singing songs to your newborn has been shown to be great for their sensory development, as they respond to the varying pitch, both helping to relax them, but also shown they provide sensory stimulus which increases their alertness and happiness.
Babies prefer singing to standard speech which doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk to them too, but that singing also provides wonderful sensory input to help develop those initial connections in their tiny brains!
It’s also fun for you, meaning you can take your singing from the shower you practice so much, and have yourself a captive audience while you practice.
Both mums and dads can both get involved, with dad’s voices also being particularly important during these times.
3. Book yourself a massage
Your body’s just been through a LOT. You deserve to have a little time to help soothe some of those inevitable aches and pains you might be experiencing in the first days after your birth, and a massage is the perfect way to get yourself a short break away, along with some much needed you-time.
Timing it during a nap is pretty important, and you’ll likely need support from your partner if you’re bottle feeding, but it can be a brilliant bit of time for you to get away for an hour (if that can be managed).
A few bits of advice, try and book somewhere close by if you can, so you’re not taking too much time for travelling. Also discuss with your doctor and masseuse before you go ahead to ensure that you’re medically clear to have the massage, but also let your masseuse know in case there are any specific post-partum massages available to you.

4. Capture some precious photos
Ok… We’re slightly biased with this one, but hear us out.
Those first few weeks can feel like a blur, but during that time your baby develops a lot, and you may even see the first little smile, or have your finger held and gripped for the first time, and those little moments are precious and go by in a flash.
In between the practicality of managing a newborn, and a lack of sleep, you’ll really appreciate having invested in some professional photos of your newborn that forever encapsulate them at their smallest, cutest and most delicate of their life.
Of course, we can help you capture those memories throughout the early years all the way from newborn through to toddler and beyond, so it might be worth taking a look at our packages.
5. Get some fresh air outdoors
Those initial weeks can feel sometimes a bit cooped up in the house, with constant need for feeds, nappies etc, but making the time to get out and about with your newborn is both great for them and for you.
Fresh air and getting some walking in is an excellent way to bring a change of scenery as well as getting some exercise in.
Remember to bring extra blankets for your new one as well as a suitably packed baby bag containing all your essentials, which are organised well, and you’ll feel well prepared for some outdoors!

While you might have a jam-packed routine and may find the first few weeks an absolute whirlwind, it’s imperative you take the time to consciously enjoy those precious moments too; as any parent will tell you, while they can feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending loop, those moments will pass by very quickly, so make the most of it!
It’s important to look after yourself, and your mental health, so if you ever feel the need to talk, building a support network around you with friends and family is important. As a mum myself, if you ever need to talk to someone and don’t want to turn to anyone else, give me a shout – I love talking to new parents about their journey.